University of Nebraska Medical Center

RNHuddle Podcast

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with AnnMarie Nie – Neonatal Skin

We have another great NPIAP episode for all of our RN Huddle listeners! Today we are joined by AnnMarie Nie, who is a neonatal skin expert. AnnMarie, MSN, RN, CNP, FNP-BC, CWOCN, and our co-host, Renee Paulin MSN, RN, CWOCN, sit down and talk about the research that has evolved surrounding neonatal skin compared to adult skin. She has greatly paved the way for a more advanced understanding of neonatal skin including multiple publications related to her passion for wound care with neonates. Take a listen!

Jan 21, 2021

The COVID-19 Vaccine is Here!

Welcome to 2021 RN Huddle listeners! Starting the year off right, the COVID-19 Vaccine is here and health care professionals are getting vaccinated! We here at UNMC and Nebraska Medicine are attempting to get as many colleagues vaccinated as we can. How can we do that? Today’s guest, Nicole Skinner, can tell us! She has been essential in building the schedule of vaccination clinics and making sure those on the frontlines can get their vaccination (if they want to) in a timely manner. We hope you enjoy this episode and we want to thank all front line workers for all of their hard work in the fight against COVID-19!

Jan 7, 2021

Moral Distress and Compassion Fatigue in Nursing

This week’s episode is a VERY important topic for all nurses: moral distress and compassion fatigue. This issue is amplified by our current status of extended stress related to the pandemic. The need to practice self-care is critical. RN Huddle host Heidi Keeler is joined with Amy Stewart, Vice President of Education and Certification Strategy at the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing AAPACN. Amy is an expert presenter on moral distress and compassion fatigue. Heidi and Amy s discuss the effect on patient safety, tips on how nurse leaders can check on their staff during difficult times, and the long-term effects of major stress injuries when distress and fatigue are left unresolved. We hope nurses and nurse leaders can get an overview of this topic from our very passionate speakers!

Dec 16, 2020

Responsibilities of a White House Nurse

This week on RN Huddle, our host Heidi Keeler and co-host Renee Paulin are joined with former White House nurse, Kristin Stoniecki. The three of them discuss Kristin’s background as a navy nurse as well as the responsibilities of a White House Nurse. This is a fascinating episode and really illustrates the numerous career paths a nurse can take involving widespread specialties and rewarding experiences. This is an episode in which we really think our RN Huddle listeners will enjoy!

Dec 3, 2020

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Dr. Joyce Black – RCA’s

We are joined again by UNMC College of Nursing’s very own Dr. Joyce Black! Going back to our very first episodes, Dr. Black joined her daughter in discussing legalities in nursing! Go check them out! For this week’s podcast, Dr. Black is joined by, once again, our co-host Renee Paulin! Renee and Dr. Black discuss RCA’s, their importance in nursing, and how nurses can best utilize them involving pressure injuries. Thanks for joining us for another NPIAP episode on RN Huddle!

Nov 18, 2020

Current Nursing Trends with our Hosts

Our RN Huddle hosts, Heidi Keeler and Renee Paulin are back together to talk about current nursing trends! Listen in as they talk telehealth, PPE, travel nursing, burnout, and more! Want a specific guest on RN Huddle or have a specific topic you’d like to hear more information on? Contact us at CONCNERNHuddle@gmail.com with all of your ideas and we’ll do our best!

Nov 5, 2020

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Liz Friedrich – Nutrition and Wounds

To continue our series with NPIAP, our co-host Renee Paulin meets with Liz Friedrich who is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. Renee and Liz discuss nutrition and how it can affect wounds and wound healing. They also talk through some resources our listeners can use to help in this area as well as where nutrition fits into the 2019 NPIAP guideline updates.

Oct 20, 2020

It’s Back to Nursing School Time!

Join our RNHuddle host Heidi Keeler & co-host, Renee Paulin TOGETHER for the first time as they chat about nursing school and how to survive it! They discuss tips from the trenches, why nursing school is so taxing, and how to use humor to alleviate stress and connect with others. A great podcast for students and nurses alike, tune in, and share in the fun!

Do you have an idea or topic that you’d like to hear discussed on RNHuddle? Get in touch with our hosts at concne@unmc.edu

Aug 28, 2020

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Dr. Lee Ruotsi – Providers and Pressure Injuries

Join us for a new series with the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. On this episode, we welcome back our very own Renee Paulin, MSN, RN, CWOCN, as she joins a member of the NPIAP Board of Directors and Chair of the NPIAP Education Committee, Dr. Lee Ruotsi. Renee and Dr. Ruotsi discuss the essential responsibilities necessary amongst all providers and clinicians to include in their practice involving pressure injuries. Keep an eye out for future episodes with others from NPIAP!

Aug 14, 2020

Getting to Know the UNMC CON Faculty: LeAnn Holmes, DNP, APRN, FAANP

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to transition out of your current practice into academia? Is this right for you? RN Huddle is interested in learning more about the transition from nursing practice to education. Today’s guest is LeAnn Holmes, DNP. Dr. Holmes, DNP is the Director for the Morehead Center for Nursing Practice where she oversees the placement of nursing faculty into clinical practice positions. In this episode LeAnn talks about her journey to from diehard clinician to academic faculty at UNMC, and how she balances her roles as leader, educator, and practicing clinician.

Jul 2, 2020