University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: education

MHTTC Burnout Busters joins RN Huddle!

Today’s episode is the first in a quarterly series with MHTCC (Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center) housed at the Munroe Meyer Institute here at UNMC. This episode, featuring our co-host Renee Paulin, introduces this new series on professional well-being and two new guests, Dr. Hannah West and Dr. Jordan Thayer who you’ll see again on RN Huddle. Take a listen and be sure subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to catch the next episode in the series, as well as other episodes featured here on RN Huddle!

Jul 8, 2021

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast – Wheelchair Wounds Part 2

RN Huddle is again joined by our guests Ana Endsjo, Kara Kopplin, and Stacey Mullis from Permobil to chat more with co-host Renee Paulin about best practices related to pressure injury prevention involving an appropriate seating system with wheelchairs. In Part 2, this discussion focuses on funding for various seating systems as well as Medicare HCPC coding. Take a listen!

Jun 24, 2021

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast – Wheelchair Wounds Part 1

Join our co-host Renee Paulin as she brings on three professionals from Permobil who are highly involved in best practices with NPIAP. They share their expertise in the seating system with wheelchairs in regard to proper seated posture, cushion selection and maintenance, and the actual structure of the wheelchair. Renee along with Ana Endsjo, Kara Kopplin, and Stacey Mullis chat about their seating and wound expertise and how to help patients prevent pressure injuries. Helpful tips and resources are discussed to help healthcare professionals in multiple settings who work with wheelchair bound patients who are at risk or have current pressure injures. This series is helpful to learn how the team can work together to prevent breakdown and what to look for to ensure patients are receiving the best quality of care based on best practices. Stick around for Part 2!

Jun 10, 2021

A Talk with an UNMC Infectious Disease Expert – Dr. Ted Cieslak

Join our host Dr. Heidi Keeler as she talks with UNMC’s own Dr. Ted Cieslak. Dr. Cieslak is an infectious disease expert who works in UNMC’s Bio-Containment Unit, one of the first units to care for COVID patients in early 2020. He discusses his experience at the beginning of the pandemic, how the interprofessional team is essential to patient care during COVID as well as where he sees the pandemic going in the future. Remember to continue to wash your hands, wear a mask, and if it’s available to you, get vaccinated!

Apr 16, 2021

Nursing and NETEC

Welcome back to RN Huddle! We took a break but we’re back today with our host Heidi Keeler as she talks about how nurses are taking the lead in key national healthcare efforts. We are joined by two special guests and nurses extraordinaire, Angela Vasa and Sharon Vanairsdale! Angie and Sharon are Directors for National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center, or NETEC. The Ebola epidemic caused serious challenges in providing safe care, and NETEC was formed to lead the response. It has since evolved into a national presence during COVID, lead in part by our guests! We talk about how “just say yes” and “step forward” are key to nursing leadership, and how nurses are uniquely positioned for leadership in the healthcare team.
We hope you enjoy this episode of RN Huddle and remember to wear a mask, wash your hands, and stay safe!

Mar 4, 2021

Ostomy Series Ep. 1 – The Many Hats of a Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse

New series alert! The Nebraska affiliate of the WOCN Society presents: Ostomy Podcast Series – Let’s Take a WOC through the Ostomy Care Journey! Join our co-host Renee Paulin, MSN, RN, CWOCN as she talks with her fellow WOC colleagues Chris Berke, Ann Lif, and Cassi Norton about their journeys to and within WOC nursing. This is the first episode of a brand new series for those interested in Ostomy care and a sneak peak of what is to come to help our fellow nurses by providing some tips and tricks as well as a few tools and/or resources at hand when caring for your patients. See the Episode note for some important links, documents and contact information. Take a WOC with us!

Feb 4, 2021

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with AnnMarie Nie – Neonatal Skin

We have another great NPIAP episode for all of our RN Huddle listeners! Today we are joined by AnnMarie Nie, who is a neonatal skin expert. AnnMarie, MSN, RN, CNP, FNP-BC, CWOCN, and our co-host, Renee Paulin MSN, RN, CWOCN, sit down and talk about the research that has evolved surrounding neonatal skin compared to adult skin. She has greatly paved the way for a more advanced understanding of neonatal skin including multiple publications related to her passion for wound care with neonates. Take a listen!

Jan 21, 2021

Moral Distress and Compassion Fatigue in Nursing

This week’s episode is a VERY important topic for all nurses: moral distress and compassion fatigue. This issue is amplified by our current status of extended stress related to the pandemic. The need to practice self-care is critical. RN Huddle host Heidi Keeler is joined with Amy Stewart, Vice President of Education and Certification Strategy at the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing AAPACN. Amy is an expert presenter on moral distress and compassion fatigue. Heidi and Amy s discuss the effect on patient safety, tips on how nurse leaders can check on their staff during difficult times, and the long-term effects of major stress injuries when distress and fatigue are left unresolved. We hope nurses and nurse leaders can get an overview of this topic from our very passionate speakers!

Dec 16, 2020

Current Nursing Trends with our Hosts

Our RN Huddle hosts, Heidi Keeler and Renee Paulin are back together to talk about current nursing trends! Listen in as they talk telehealth, PPE, travel nursing, burnout, and more! Want a specific guest on RN Huddle or have a specific topic you’d like to hear more information on? Contact us at CONCNERNHuddle@gmail.com with all of your ideas and we’ll do our best!

Nov 5, 2020

It’s Back to Nursing School Time!

Join our RNHuddle host Heidi Keeler & co-host, Renee Paulin TOGETHER for the first time as they chat about nursing school and how to survive it! They discuss tips from the trenches, why nursing school is so taxing, and how to use humor to alleviate stress and connect with others. A great podcast for students and nurses alike, tune in, and share in the fun!

Do you have an idea or topic that you’d like to hear discussed on RNHuddle? Get in touch with our hosts at concne@unmc.edu

Aug 28, 2020

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