Podcast Activities

Tag: stress

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Yi-Ting Tzen – Spinal Cord Injury Population
February 3, 2022 by UNMC CON CNE

he NPIAP series on RN Huddle continues with a new conversation on pressure injuries. Today’s episode will feature our wound expert and co-host Renee Paulin, MSN, RN, CWOCN and she’s joined by Yi-Ting Tzen, PhD, PT who is Director on the Board at NPIAP and is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Renee and Yi-Ting talk pressure injuries specific to the spinal cord injury population. See the episode description for a variety of links to the resources they discuss. Till next time listeners! Read More.

Moral Distress and Compassion Fatigue in Nursing
December 16, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

This week's episode is a VERY important topic for all nurses: moral distress and compassion fatigue. This issue is amplified by our current status of extended stress related to the pandemic. The need to practice self-care is critical. RN Huddle host Heidi Keeler is joined with Amy Stewart, Vice President of Education and Certification Strategy at the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing AAPACN. Amy is an expert presenter on moral distress and compassion fatigue. Heidi and Amy s discuss the effect on patient safety, tips on how nurse leaders can check on their staff during difficult times, and the long-term effects of major stress injuries when distress and fatigue are left unresolved. We hope nurses and nurse leaders can get an overview of this topic from our very passionate speakers! Read More.

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Dr. Joyce Black – RCA’s
November 18, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

We are joined again by UNMC College of Nursing’s very own Dr. Joyce Black! Going back to our very first episodes, Dr. Black joined her daughter in discussing legalities in nursing! Go check them out! For this week's podcast, Dr. Black is joined by, once again, our co-host Renee Paulin! Renee and Dr. Black discuss RCA’s, their importance in nursing, and how nurses can best utilize them involving pressure injuries. Thanks for joining us for another NPIAP episode on RN Huddle! Read More.

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) Podcast with Liz Friedrich – Nutrition and Wounds
October 20, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

To continue our series with NPIAP, our co-host Renee Paulin meets with Liz Friedrich who is a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. Renee and Liz discuss nutrition and how it can affect wounds and wound healing. They also talk through some resources our listeners can use to help in this area as well as where nutrition fits into the 2019 NPIAP guideline updates. Read More.

It’s Back to Nursing School Time!
August 28, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

Join our RNHuddle host Heidi Keeler & co-host, Renee Paulin TOGETHER for the first time as they chat about nursing school and how to survive it! They discuss tips from the trenches, why nursing school is so taxing, and how to use humor to alleviate stress and connect with others. A great podcast for students and nurses alike, tune in, and share in the fun! Do you have an idea or topic that you'd like to hear discussed on RNHuddle? Get in touch with our hosts at concne@unmc.edu Read More.

Addressing Sexual Assault: Conversations with SANEs
Sexual Assault Awareness Month – Part 2
April 24, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

In this episode of RN Huddle, we continue to discuss SANE nursing as a part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Join Claire, Jen, and Devi as they finish their discussion on the fictitious cases that they started chatting about during our last episode. As always, we here at RN Huddle aspire to educate about hot topics in nursing that although are tough to discuss, are necessary to advocate for. Read More.

Addressing Sexual Assault: Conversations with SANEs
Sexual Assault Awareness Month – Part 1
April 9, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and during this episode of RN Huddle we visit with Claire Beweja, Jen Tran and Devi Fitelly. During this two-part series, these Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners talk about 3 fictitious cases and what steps they would take when the patients arrive. Join us again in two weeks for the continuation of this discussion. Read More.

COVID-19 Review by Nurses on the Front Lines
COVID-19 Review by Nurses on the Front Lines
March 16, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

We interrupt our normal podcast schedule to get you a special episode of RN Huddle. Over the past few weeks, the Coronavirus pandemic has shifted the world's focus away from the normal way of business. It is important as a health care worker to know what to do and how to help your patients. UNMC has expertise on caring for COVID 19 and other infectious diseases, and are ready to share what they have learned. Today’s RN Huddle reviews our experiences, points to resources you can use, answers to questions from your patients and staff, and other important information. This episode features our very own College of Nursing faculty Dr. Beth Beam, as well as Nebraska Medicine ED nurses Kalen Knight and Shanaz Benner. Read More.

Talking Burnout with Dr. Wengel – Part 2
Talking Burnout with Dr. Wengel – Part 2
March 12, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

Today on RN Huddle, we continue the conversation between Dr. Heidi Keeler (our host) and Dr. Steve Wengel. While burnout is a very real issue in today's workplace, there are always options to help defeat and maybe even prevent it. Dr. Wengel and Heidi talk about what options may be available at your institution and how you can utilize those resources. Read More.

Talking Burnout with Dr. Wengel – Part 1
Talking Burnout with Dr. Wengel – Part 1
February 27, 2020 by UNMC CON CNE

In this episode, we sit down again with host Dr. Heidi Keeler and a new guest Dr. Steve Wengel. Dr. Wengel is both the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Campus Wellness and Chair of the UNMC Department of Psychiatry. He is very interested in workplace burnout and how to best beat it. While it’s not a psychiatric condition, it is still very serious and more and more people experience it every day. Listen here for tips on how to avoid burnout and how to combat it should you or a co-worker feel it. Read More.